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Facebook Statuses

statuses, status for facebook.

facebook status


Facebook Status

The world will never change for you,but you can change for the world.
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Facebook Status

Success is the proper utilization of failure.
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Facebook Status 

When your enemies are making mistakes, don`t interrupt them.
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Remember those who had your back when you needed them! One day they may need you..
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Facebook Status 

There are two things in life that motivate you, the fear of pain and the desire for pleasure.
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Facebook Status 

Before Facebook existed, writing on someone’s wall was considered a crime and poking someone was considered foreplay.
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Facebook Status 

Facebook is like boys, once you understand them, they change.
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Facebook Status 

Cannot think of what to put as her status today. If you could write my status for me what would you put ?
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Facebook Status 

Dear Facebook, If you don’t quit changing we are going to leave you just like we did my space.
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Being in love is not about owning a relationship it’s plainly about being happy because you know you just love somebody
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Make new friends, but don’t forget the old For some are silver & others gold!
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Facebook Status 

You cannot force a person to show you respect, but you can refuse to be disrespected.
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To keep your life moving in the right direction, keep your thoughts moving in the right direction.
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All a person needs is a hand to hold, and a heart to understand…
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Facebook Status 

Life is a climb, but the view is great.
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