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Happy Birthday Statuses ::

statuses for birthday, birthday status, facebook birthday status.

birthday status


Birthday Status

If you learn one interesting thing every day, then by the time you get to be your age you should know a lot of interesting things. Happy Birthday my interesting friend!
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Birthday Status

Not giving into temptation is one way to increase your relative happiness. Giving in to temptation is a way to immediately increase your happiness. Be happy. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

A birthday means that you are a year older but a birthday party neans you get to act 10 years younger. Enjoy the party!
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Birthday Status 

I hope you have a great day to spend with your family and have a day just for yourself because you deserve it ! You're a very special person - and don't let anyone tell you you're not
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Birthday Status 

May this year bring with it all the success and fulfillment your heart desires. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

May your day be filled with beautiful moments and magical thoughts. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

It is not enough to celebrate just one day, so celebrate EVERY day for the rest of your life. But start today. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

May your heart be happy and your feet swift as you begin you next journey around the sun. Happy birthday!
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Birthday Status 

The key mistake many people make is thinking about how old they are and not how young they are. Stay young my friend, Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

If inspiration is just a starting point, then birthdays are just a measuring stick. Be inspired & measure up!
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Birthday Status 

Best wishes for a happy day filled with love and laughter. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Happy birthday! You are only young once so enjoy it to the fullest. Time passes way to fast and you don't get these years back.
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Birthday Status 

Happy Birthday. Remember that at your age it is a good idea to take a good nap so that you will have the energy to blow out all of those candles.
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Birthday Status 

Happy birthday!!! I hope you have the best bday!!!! Be happy and keep that beautiful smile you have.
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Birthday Status 

Wishing you happiness to your heart's content and may your dreams all come true. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Hope you have a magnificent birthday with your loved ones!! Best wishes for a Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

I wish you the happiest birthday ever and i hope you spend it with your family and friends! :)
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Birthday Status 

On your birthday, you can party till the cows come home. Just be careful where you step. Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

Some things never get old. Unfortunately you are not one of those things. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Make today a stress-free day where you have no problems, no worries and no reason to rush. Just take the time to relax and enjoy yourself. Happy Birthday
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