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Status Facebook

statuses, status facebook, .


Status Facebook

Give thanks to the LORD in all things. Thank You LORD for giving me life and giving me a chance to live with purpose.
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Status Facebook

I need someone really bad, are you really bad? :-)
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Status Facebook 

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
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Status Facebook 

A new day, a new sun rise, a new blessing.
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Status Facebook 

Don’t you hate it when people just randomly tag you in their Facebook post!?
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Status Facebook 

Confidence is admitting who you are, what you’ve done, and loving yourself for who you’ve become, no matter what others think of you.
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Status Facebook 

A whisper in your ear, a flutter in your heart, a hand on your shoulder, Listen for it, God is always speaking to us.
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Status Facebook 

When you see me smiling at you its not that I’m happy but you might want to run..
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Status Facebook 

Sometimes the plan itself sounds so exciting that it is hard for me not to join in.
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Status Facebook 

Don’t look for happiness, create it..
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Status Facebook 

A lot of problems would disappear if we talked to each other more than talking about each other.
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Status Facebook 

Having a sharp memory is great, but sometimes the ability to forget is a lot better.
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Status Facebook 

Facebook is like the fridge, you know there is nothing new but check it anyway.
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Status Facebook 

I’m going to bed, and nothings going to stop me
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Status Facebook 

For all those Facebook addicts press “Ctrl and W” at the same time and see what happens! Good Luck
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