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Attitude Facebook Statuses ::

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attitude status


Attitude Status

Your attitude is everything, and it determines how you experience every aspect of your life. -- Gerald G. Jampolsky
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Attitude Status

A positive attitude accelerates your development as a creative person. Believe in yourself. -- Nita Leland
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Attitude Status 

Your attitude can take you forward or your attitude can take you down. The choice is always yours! -- Catherine Pulsifer
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Attitude Status 

Your attitude determines your altitude. -- Zig Ziglar
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Attitude Status 

The winner's edge is not in a gifted birth, a high IQ, or in talent. The winner's edge is all in the attitude, not aptitude. Attitude is the criterion for success. -- Dennis Waitley
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Attitude Status 

Attitude is everything. -- Diane von Furstenberg
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Attitude Status 

Attitudes are nothing more than habits of thoughts, and habits can be acquired. An action repeated becomes an attitude realized. -- Paul Myer
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Attitude Status 

Whenever you're in conflict with someone, there is one factor that can make the difference between damaging your relationship and deepening it. That factor is attitude. -- William James
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Attitude Status 

Control your attitude or it will control you. -- Karen Mikhai
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Attitude Status 

A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. -- Patricia Neal
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