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Beauty Facebook Statuses ::

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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status

The happiest people are the people with the best attitudes, not the best lives. -- Bob Lonsberry
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status

A bad attitude is the worst thing that can happen to a group of people. It's infectious. -- Roger Allan Raby
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

When one maintains her proper attitude in life, he does not long after externals. -- Epictetus
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. -- Winston Churchill
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes. -- Hugh Downs
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

The only disability in life is a bad attitude. -- Scott Hamilton
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

A bad attitude is worse than a bad swing. -- Payne Stewart
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

I want a girl with extensions in her hair, Bamboo earrings, at least two pair, A Fendi bag and a bad attitude, That's all I need to get me in a good mood. -- LL Cool J
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

In a word, most bad attitudes are the result of selfishness. -- John C. Maxwell
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Facebook Status :- Beauty Status 

I don't have an attitude problem. You have a problem with my attitude, and that's not my problem. -- Unknown
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