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Best Statuses

Below you will find our collection of best facebook statuses.

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Best Status

You know what? Your eyes are the same color as my Porsche.
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Best Status

Marriage is like going to a restaurant and order your choice from the menu, And then look at neighbouring table n wish you”d ordered that.
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Best Status 

Quit your job, buy a ticket, get a train, fall in love and never return.
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Best Status 

My name is I. My problem is love. My solution is you.
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Best Status 

If you wish to avoid seeing a fool, you must break your mirror :D
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Best Status 

The only difference between me and a madman is that I’m not mad.
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Best Status 

Caution, Blind Man Driving.
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Best Status 

Milk does the body good but DAMN how much did you drink?
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Best Status 

If life gives you questions, Google gives you answers.
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Best Status 

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
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Best Status 

Boys think of girls like books; if the cover doesn’t catch their eyes, they won’t even bother to read what’s inside.
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Best Status 

I feel like a Indiana Jones, because you are the treasure I am looking for.
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Best Status 

Money can’t buy happiness, but it pays for internet, which is pretty much the same thing.
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Best Status 

I hate when I’m about to hug someone really sexy and then my face hits the mirror.
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Best Status 

I speak two languages, Body and English.
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