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Best Statuses

Below you will find our collection of best facebook statuses.

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Best Status

How can i miss something i never had?
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Best Status

BRB = I don’t want to talk to you. LOL = I have nothing else to say. Cool = I don’t care.
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Best Status 

If life gives you lemons, just add vodka.
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Best Status 

I’d like to thank the internet, Google, Wikipedia, Microsoft Word, and Copy & Paste :)
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Best Status 

I think my iPhone is broken. I pressed the home button and i’m still at school.
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Best Status 

Kiss me and you will see how important I am.
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Best Status 

If you can’t find the key to success, pick the lock.
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Best Status 

Forget love, I’d rather fall in chocolate.
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Best Status 

Everything I like is either Illegal, Immoral, Fattening, Addictive, Expensive, or Impossible.
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Best Status 

One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry.
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Best Status 

I know that somewhere in the Universe exists my perfect soulmate … but looking for her is much more difficult than just staying at home and ordering another pizza.
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Best Status 

Teacher: Who can explain gender discrimination with an example? Student: Women can sleep with whoever they want ,men have to sleep with whoever lets them!
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Best Status 

Do you know the meaning og ABCDEF? A boy can do everything for Girl. Reverse the meaning of, GFEDCBA … Girl forget everything done & Catches new boy Again.
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Best Status 

Never make the same mistake twice, There are so many new ones, Try a different one each day.
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Best Status 

There are alot of fish in the sea, but I think there’s a hole in my net :)
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