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Happy Birthday Statuses ::

statuses for birthday, birthday status, facebook birthday status.

birthday status


Birthday Status

Best wishes for a happy birthday and may you enjoy your next year on this planet - or wherever you happen to be.
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Birthday Status

You are only as old as you feel... Want to feel young tonight? Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

It doesn?t matter where you are or what you are doing, what matters is who you are. I like who you are. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

I wish you a wonderfulBirthday!! I hope you have an amazing day and lots of fun! Enjoy this day, you deserve it!
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Birthday Status 

Time waits for no one but that doesn't matter if you don't wait for it! Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Being young is a privilege. Being attractive a genetic gift. Being cool, that is all you. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

May your days always be full of sunshine and rain, waterfalls and deserts, butterflies and bees and everything else that life has to offer. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

May every day be your best day ever, starting with today. So have your best birthday EVER!!
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Birthday Status 

Wishing you metric tons of happiness on your birthday. Enjoy it.
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Birthday Status 

Some people look old and feel young. Some people look young and feel old. Some people like us look young and feel young. Feels good to party on your birthday doesn't it?
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Birthday Status 

The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts and we grow happier as we grow older. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

I want to wish you a Happy Birthday, from the bottom of my heart.
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Birthday Status 

I wish you the best birthday ever! I hope you get lots of kisses and hugs. Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

You are an original. There is a special magic that makes you who you are. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are - even if you are getting older. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

With friends like you, I could party every day as if it were your birthday. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

You will soon start a new phase of life! But that can wait until you are older. Enjoy another year of being young. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Hope you dance the night away or at least watch people dancing late into the night, or stay awake or whatever. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Party early and often. Remember that it only counts as one year no matter how many times you celebrate. Happy Birthday.
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