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Happy Birthday Statuses ::

statuses for birthday, birthday status, facebook birthday status.

birthday status


Birthday Status

Life should be lived with a smile on your face and no one does a better job of putting one on my face than you. Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status

One birthday will not make you old. Even a dozen will not make you old. Maybe you should have stopped counting there though. Happy Birthday. Again.
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Birthday Status 

You will never be as young again as you are today, so have fun. But be careful, because you have never been this old before. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Well, you are another year older and you haven't changed a bit. That's great because you are perfect just the way you are. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Take advantage of how things are so that one day you will take pride in telling how things were. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Like the song says: Live your life with arms wide open, Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

On that winding road that is life, you are the one I want to ride along with. Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

I wish that I could be the greatest friend in the world, but there is no way to be a better friend than you are. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

No need to keep your birthday a secret: it is not your looks but the smile on your face that shows that it is your birthday.
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Birthday Status 

You remind me of you at your age. Young and good looking! Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

You are attractive - (for your age!) You are smart - (for your age) You are interesting - (for your age!). You are smart - (for your age!) I hope that you have a very happy birthday.
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Birthday Status 

You are only young once, but you can be immature forever. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

I hope today is a Happy Birthday, a happy today and the start of a happy forever.
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Birthday Status 

On this your birthday may you be filled with laughter, joy and peace with your family and close friends, content in all life brings.
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Birthday Status 

Happy Birthday. I hope that you will have a truly marvelous and joyous day with family and friends.
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Birthday Status 

Wishing you the happiness on your birthday that you deserve every day. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

You are almost perfect, but they say that we could all use a little change. So I guess since it is your birthday, you should change your age.
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Birthday Status 

I hope you have the best Birthday ever. You are such a sweet person and I wish nothing but the best for you on your special day.
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Birthday Status 

Always smile and laugh, and never never give up. You make us all happier. Especially on your birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Some people look old and feel young. Some people look young and feel old. Some people like us look young and feel young. Feels good to party on your birthday doesn't it?
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