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Happy Birthday Statuses ::

statuses for birthday, birthday status, facebook birthday status.

birthday status


Birthday Status

Investigators continue to search for proof that you could be getting older because there is no evidence since you look as young for ever. Happy Birthday
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Birthday Status

Blood is thicker than water. Birthday cake is sweeter than either. Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

Celebrate your birthday, go have lots of fun, everybody should enjoy it and have tons of fun. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

You're the living proof of a statement age is just a number :) Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

Have an amazing birthday. It only comes one day a year so do something to make it memorable! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!
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Birthday Status 

Your sweet nature and generous heart are part of what makes you a very special person to me and so many others. I want to wish you a fantastic birthday and a year of pure happiness.
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Birthday Status 

Renew yourself every day. Reinvent yourself whenever necessary. Celebrate your birthdays but don't count the years.
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Birthday Status 

I want to wish you a Happy Birthday and I truly hope that you enjoy it to the fullest.
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Birthday Status 

Behavior modification can change the way you act. Having a birthday can change your age. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Thinking of you with love on your birthday and wishing you everything that brings you happiness today and always.
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Birthday Status 

Acting happy can make you happy. Having a birthday can make you older. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Hope you have a magnificent birthday with your loved ones!! Best wishes for a Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Words can't say how much happiness we wish for you. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Today's birthday is one of mind over matter: If you don't mind your age, it doesn't matter. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Happy Birthday, my great friend! Be proud of the wonderful life you've led so far and look forward to all the adventures yet to come your way.
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Birthday Status 

You are the one person I believe when you tell me everything will work out in this crazy life. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

Wishing you health, love, wealth, happiness and just everything your heart desires. Happy Birthday.
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Birthday Status 

For your birthday I thought that i would give you some good advice, but then I remembered that you have a lot more experience on getting older than me.
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Birthday Status 

May your life be filled with laughs and smiles. Happy Birthday!
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Birthday Status 

You give us all hope that we can stay young and never grow old. Congratulations on your birthday & your eternal youth.
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