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heart break status.

heart break status


Heart Break Status

No matter how bad your heart is broken, the world doesn't stop for your grief. -- Faraaz Kazi
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Heart Break Status

Heartbreak could be lived with if it weren't accompanied by regret. -- Laura Kasischke
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Heart Break Status 

Love hurts worse than getting slammed by a 250-pound linebacker. -- Miranda Kenneally
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Heart Break Status 

Don't you EVER break someone's heart, because they only have one. Break their bones, they have 206 on those! -- Jayy Von Monroe
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Heart Break Status 

When you have loved unconditionally one man and lost that love, it leaves a wound that never heals, a sad and broken heart, a void forever. -- Author Unknown
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Heart Break Status 

I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts. -- Author Unknown
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Heart Break Status 

A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding.. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling.. And the most painful thing is, no one really hears it, except you. -- Author Unknown
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Heart Break Status 

A final comfort that is small, but not cold: The heart is the only broken instrument that works. -- T.E. Kalem
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Heart Break Status 

I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too. -- Terri Guillemets
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Heart Break Status 

Sadness flies on the wings of the morning and out of the heart of darkness comes the light. -- Jean Giraudoux
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