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Wise Statuses

Below you will find our collection of wise facebook statuses, facebook wise status, wise status for facebook.


Wise Status

Never Blame any Day in Your Life. Good Days Give you Happines. Bad days Give you Experience. Both are Essencial in Life.
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Wise Status

Give thanks to the LORD in all things. Thank You LORD for giving me life and giving me a chance to live with purpose.
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Wise Status 

The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.
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Wise Status 

Real people are never fake, and fake people are never real.
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Wise Status 

Our dreams inspire us to live life to the fullest, our sorrows guide us in learning & accepting who we are, wisdom is what we achieve from experiencing both.
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Wise Status 

Laugh when you can, Cry when you need to, Apologize when you should, Forgive what needs to be forgiven and then move on from past mistakes.
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Wise Status 

Treat women the same way you would want your daughter to be treated.
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Wise Status 

All your lies made it that much easier to see the truth.
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Wise Status 

NEVER get attached to anyone nor anything, because attachments leads to expectations and expectations leads to disappointments.
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Wise Status 

Believe Half of what you see And None of what you hear.
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Wise Status 

The biggest mistake you’ll ever make, are the risks you didn’t take.
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Wise Status 

What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now..
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Wise Status 

The reason people have No room for wisdom iz because they are so full of judgment.
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Wise Status 

Money should be used, and people loved, instead money is loved, and people used.
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Wise Status 

Remember that everything that had happened in the past is either a lesson or a blessing.
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