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Wise Statuses

Below you will find our collection of wise facebook statuses, facebook wise status, wise status for facebook.


Wise Status

Everyone is born unique & special,,, it’s a waste of emotions incase someone makes you believe otherwise,,,,,inturn to make them feel special is wise…
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Wise Status

Dont talk if you dont have any good thing to say..
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Wise Status 

A female can be your best friend and worst enemy. It all depends on how you treat her.
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Wise Status 

Remember, You are unique, but then again so is everyone else in this world.
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Wise Status 

Sometimes the right one for you is the one who was there the whole time.
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Wise Status 

If they can`t swallow facts, let them eat fiction.
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Wise Status 

I think of you in colours that don`t exist.
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Wise Status 

Alone doesn`t mean lonely, lonely doesn`t have to be alone.
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Wise Status 

Beauty is power; a smile is its sword..
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Wise Status 

We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are.
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Wise Status 

Classic book is a book which people praise, but do not read.
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